Jun 13Liked by Daniel Warren Johnson

Hope to see you at Heroes Con this weekend!it’s my first con, and you’re a huge reason I am going!

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See you soon!

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Such an amazing issue. Looking forward to the next one!

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Dude - definitely going to add this to my pull list!

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That is a wonderful cover!

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I can’t wait for this.

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Sounds awesome, what a pairing, so excited!!!

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It’s cute how kids always insist the moon is following them. Mine do the same.

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CANNOT wait. I really love the style and the feel of these pages you have shown us.

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The GREAT garage rock band SHANNON AND THE CLAMS just put out one of the best records of the year called 'The Moon Is In The Wrong Place, ' and without reading the book.. i feel like it will be the perfect soundtrack for your new series!

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super stoked looks awesome Dan, safe travels!

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Can’t wait to read it!

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I'm so stoked for when The Moon is Following Us releases. From what I've seen, you, Riley, and the rest of the team are making something special. Hope to see you at HeroesCon this Saturday!

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Very stoked for Riley and your's new book! Hopefully it won't make me cry like Do A Powerbomb! did (It's okay if it does).

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